The grid information for reanalysis variables.
netcdf grid {
lat = 1720 ;
lon = 3600 ;
double ulon(lat, lon) ;
ulon:units = "degree_east" ;
ulon:long_name = "Longitude for currrent" ;
double ulat(lat, lon) ;
ulat:units = "degree_north" ;
ulat:long_name = "Latitude for current" ;
double tlon(lat, lon) ;
tlon:units = "degree_east" ;
tlon:long_name = "Longitude for temperature, salinity and SLA" ;
double tlat(lat, lon) ;
tlat:units = "degree_north" ;
tlat:long_name = "Latitude for temperature, salinity and SLA" ;


1. Temperature

netcdf 000_bef_temp_20150101 {
        lon = 3600 ;
        lat = 1720 ;
        dep = 54 ;
        float lon(lon) ;
        float lat(lat) ;
        float dep(dep) ;
                dep:positive = "down" ;
        float temp(dep, lat, lon) ;
                temp:missing_value = -1.e+010f ;

// global attributes:
:Creattime = "2015/07/28T17:35:59" ;
:Sorftware1 = "netcdf 4.3.2 of Jan 26 2015 09:36:08 $" ;
:Sorftware2 = "netcdf_mod 2.1, by Xunqiang Yin, 2008-3-31 23:15." ;

2. Salinity

netcdf 000_bef_salt_20150101 {
lon = 3600 ;
lat = 1720 ;
dep = 54 ;
float lon(lon) ;
float lat(lat) ;
float dep(dep) ;
dep:positive = "down" ;
float salt(dep, lat, lon) ;
salt:missing_value = -1.e+010f ;

// global attributes:
:Creattime = "2015/07/28T17:35:59" ;
:Sorftware1 = "netcdf 4.3.2 of Jan 26 2015 09:36:08 $" ;
:Sorftware2 = "netcdf_mod 2.1, by Xunqiang Yin, 2008-3-31 23:15." ;

3. U component of current

netcdf 000_bef_u_20150101 {
lon = 3600 ;
lat = 1720 ;
dep = 54 ;
float lon(lon) ;
float lat(lat) ;
float dep(dep) ;
dep:positive = "down" ;
float u(dep, lat, lon) ;
u:missing_value = -1.e+010f ;

// global attributes:
:Creattime = "2015/07/28T17:35:59" ;
:Sorftware1 = "netcdf 4.3.2 of Jan 26 2015 09:36:08 $" ;
:Sorftware2 = "netcdf_mod 2.1, by Xunqiang Yin, 2008-3-31 23:15." ;


4. V component of current

netcdf 000_bef_v_20150101 {
        lon = 3600 ;
        lat = 1720 ;
        dep = 54 ;
        float lon(lon) ;
        float lat(lat) ;
        float dep(dep) ;
                dep:positive = "down" ;
        float v(dep, lat, lon) ;
                v:missing_value = -1.e+010f ;

// global attributes:
:Creattime = "2015/07/28T17:35:59" ;
:Sorftware1 = "netcdf 4.3.2 of Jan 26 2015 09:36:08 $" ;
:Sorftware2 = "netcdf_mod 2.1, by Xunqiang Yin, 2008-3-31 23:15." ;


5. Sea surface height

netcdf 000_bef_eta_t_20150101 {
        lon = 3600 ;
        lat = 1720 ;
        float lon(lon) ;
        float lat(lat) ;
        float eta_t(lat, lon) ;
                eta_t:missing_value = -1.e+010f ;

// global attributes:
:Creattime = "2015/07/28T17:35:59" ;
:Sorftware1 = "netcdf 4.3.2 of Jan 26 2015 09:36:08 $" ;
:Sorftware2 = "netcdf_mod 2.1, by Xunqiang Yin, 2008-3-31 23:15." ;